Multi-channels displayer
ATE 310
Wall-mounted multifunction displays are often used to display measurements for clean rooms and laboratories.
Kimo’s ATE 310 can display three parameters (for example humidity, temperature and pressure). It can be installed flush-mounted or wall-mounted
Multifunction sensor with large
electroluminescent display
CA 310
Kimo’s CA 310 contains a multifunction sensor with interchangeable probes and a large display. It can measure three parameters (for example humidity, temperature and pressure)
Flushmount multifunction
pressure sensor
CPE 310-S / CPE 311-S
Kimo’s CPE 310-S is a flushmount multifunction pressure sensor. It can display up to three parameters alternatively
Multifunction sensor
Kimo’s C 310 is a multifunction sensor with interchangeable probes. It can display and measure four parameters simultaneously
A manostat is a pressure gauge which has a switch inside its casing. At a selected pressure the switch activates an electrical contact and stops the machine on which it is wired.
Kimo’s PST is used to control pressure
A hygrostat is an instrument for measuring and controlling humidity.
Kimo’s HST displays alternating temperature and humidity and has a programmable relay with two relative humidity thresholds
A thermostat is a component which senses the temperature of a system so that the system's temperature is maintained near a desired setpoint. Kimo’s TST thermostat has a measuring range for the ambient model from 0 to +50°C. For the duct model it would be from -20 to +80°C and for the terminal block model from -100 to +400°C
Sensor probes for SAUERMAN multifunction sensors & transmitters
Accessories for SAUERMAN multifunction sensors & transmitters
Software & apps
Multi function sensors and wall-mount sensors